MnDOT creates interactive map to connect contractors with small businesses

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Contractors have a new tool in their toolbox to reach state and federal project goals linked to hiring veterans, women and minorities for transportation projects. The newly created interactive map is intended to assist contractors in identifying certified small businesses statewide by providing a visual tool to access work force centers, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Targeted Group businesses, and women- and veteran-owned businesses that are available to work on their projects.

“We developed the Mapping Minnesota tool to provide a quick and easy way to link contractors and small businesses to current and future projects,” said Kim Collins, MnDOT’s Office of Civil Rights director.

Contractors are encouraged to visit and select “Certified Small Businesses” to identify potential sub-contractors and employees who are pre-certified and available in specific geographical areas. Certified small businesses also are encouraged to visit the map to ensure they are included and to explore partnering opportunities with other listed certified small businesses.

The maps are updated monthly to reflect recent certifications; however, contractors are advised to reference the certified small business directory to verify information. 

The video, Mapping Minnesota,,describes how to access certified small businesses on the maps. It also provides endorsements from small business owners and community leaders regarding the value of promoting diversity in transportation projects from design through construction.

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This link will take you to the tutorial on how to use this mapping tool!

GIS Mapping tool